Fuel Your Inspiration: Take a Vacation!

 In Inspiration, Self Care

How’s your summer vacation going? I hope you’re taking one — if only a long weekend!

I used to wear busyness like a badge of honor. Until I realized the profound value of time off. Now, vacations are non-negotiable for me.

Vacations are food for the soul. And fuel for inspiration.

It doesn’t matter whether you travel to another country, hop in the car for a fun road trip or create a staycation in your hometown. It doesn’t matter whether you’re alone or with others. Whether you relax — or embark on an exhilarating new adventure!

And while summer is a traditional time to kick back, it doesn’t matter what season of the year you choose for time off.

Break the Cycle of Sameness

By taking time off, you disconnect from the daily grind.

If you thrive on routine, taking even a brief break creates vibrant new energy, flavored with delicious inspiration! You break the cycle of sameness.

Especially when you fully immerse yourself in wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

When you awaken your senses — noticing and appreciating the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures around you — you’re welcoming inspiration to come to you in new, myriad ways.

When you focus on the here and now, rather than yesterday or tomorrow, you make room for new possibilities. And maybe even big decisions or big changes!

“Spa Days” for Your Mind

If you’re like me, the most innovative ideas come to you when you’re not squeezing your brain in front of a blank computer screen. When you’re not forcing your creativity into a one-hour time slot between meetings.

But when you treat yourself to a string of days off? Whoa — that’s when the magic happens!

I like to think of my vacations as spa days for my mind. And I’m drawn to variety, so I mix it up. The one constant: I make sure I’m present. On vacation means on vacation!

After a break, I return to work and normal daily life feeling refreshed. Energized. Motivated. And inspired!

How will you “pamper” your brain to ignite motivation and spark inspiration during your vacation?

Looking for a motivational speaker for your next event? Carla energizes and inspires attendees to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Contact her today.

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