Create Inspiration in Your Environment

 In Inspiration

Where are you right now?

Wherever that is, take a good look around. What do you see, hear, feel and smell? (I know you’re looking at this article, but please do pause to look around!)

How do you feel about your immediate environment in this moment? You might find it pleasing, dull, peaceful, annoying — or have any mix of reactions.

But here’s what I’m really curious about: Does any of it make you feel inspired?

Our physical surroundings can be a powerful source of inspiration. But we often take our immediate environment for granted — “it is what it is.” Or we ignore what’s around us, because it’s much the same day after day. After all, our brains are wired to notice whatever is new or novel!

In the workplace, company cultures encourage us to focus on productivity. How to get more done, more efficiently.

Related: Being Busy Doesn’t Make You Better

But let’s face it, if you’re feeling uninspired, how productive can you really be?

So, does your workspace drag you down or lift you up?

Maybe you haven’t given it much thought. But it’s worth exploring! Because your surroundings impact your energy and motivation.

What Inspires YOUR Physical Environment?

For me, I like an environment where I feel organized; my best ideas come to me that way. Clutter in my surroundings leads to clutter in my mind. By rearranging my physical environment, I’m able to focus and have better productivity.

When I’m at my desk and really feeling in a slump, I glance at the pictures on my credenza. My family photos always make me smile. As I remind myself what’s most important in my life, I’m moved to be — and do — my best.

Then, voilà! I feel invigorated.

I also do some of my most creative thinking outside of the office. I could be on a hike, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. Or taking a daily run in a neighborhood new to me. Or trying a new red blend in a funky new restaurant. Inspiration comes from outside the work environment as well as from inside.

But what inspires me won’t necessarily speak to you.

There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for an inspiring physical environment. That’s why it’s so important to figure out what’s needed in your surroundings to energize and motivate you.

Power Challenge: Create Your Inspiring Work Environment

“Environment” means different things to different people.

It extends beyond what you see with your eyes. So, tune into your other senses! Notice whether you’re drawn to certain music, scents — or even touch — in your physical surroundings.

And, what about a vibe? Do you feel inspired in a Zen-like atmosphere, or are you motivated by music with a club feel or by the hustle and bustle of a busy office?

The more you recognize the things you find inspiring, the more likely you’ll be to consistently incorporate them around you.

Here are a few tips to help you curate your inspiring physical space:

Start small.

Try something as simple as buying yourself a beautiful mug to elevate your afternoon tea break. Or swapping out an older framed photo for something more recent.

Personalize your surroundings.

Is your workspace rather vanilla-flavored? Fine, if that’s your jam! But if not, your work environment should reflect the real you. If a family member visited you at the office, how quickly could they pick out your desk?

Feed your senses.

Music “sings” to everyone in different ways. Some people feel energized by upbeat tunes while others do their best thinking with a background of soft piano music.

Scents are another part of environment. Citrus is said to energize, lavender to calm, fresh air to cleanse.

If you work from home, try adding scent to your environment with candles, wax melts or essential oil diffusers. Or open the windows. If you’re in a group workspace, keep a favorite essential oil on hand, put one drop on your skin, and enjoy the scent.

Harness your inner interior decorator.

What’s your style? Do you veer toward modern or traditional? Minimalistic design, or the more stuff around you, the merrier?

If you’re looking for ideas, hop online. Social media is full of decorating ideas.

Pay attention to the ways colors impact your energy. Choose a palette that makes you feel jazzed! If you need help picking out a color, paint companies have interactive color palettes on their websites to help you try out different color themes.

And one more thing — don’t forget your sense of touch and physical comfort. You may have limited options in an office environment, but perhaps you can add a lumbar pillow, colorful chair covering or soothing wrist support.

Don’t be afraid to experiment!

Novelty is a great way to get unstuck. Switch things up in your workspace.

Related: Inspire Yourself: Try Something New!

Rearrange the knickknacks on your desk. Add a touch of whimsy. Live with it for a few days. Like it? Great! Doesn’t work for you? That’s OK, too! (As long as you didn’t use super glue, you’re good!)

Try listening to a different kind of music through your headphones. If it’s inspiration at first listen, great! Doesn’t work for you? Fine! The world’s library of music is practically infinite. Or maybe you just like silence better.

You’ll never know unless you try!

Be Inspired: Tune into Your Surroundings!

Ever notice how what we need most is often right in front of our eyes?

We surround ourselves in our physical environments every day. Where we work. Where we play. Where we recharge our batteries.

If you’re not inspired by what you experience in your physical environment, it’s time to make some changes. Why not start today?

The more energizing your surroundings, the more inspired you’ll feel to do and be your best!

Looking for a motivational speaker for your next event? Carla energizes and inspires attendees to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Contact her today.

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